This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Freedom of Information

Before you request an FOI

If you are seeking a Freedom of Information request, you may find the information you need in the Downloads on this page.

Who to send your information request to:

When asking for information of any kind, you can address it to any department or individual. You do not have to go through the addresses below. Your request will still be handled under the appropriate Laws or regulations. 

You can also use this information to ask an environmental information regulations question. 

For all other areas contact:
Business Intelligence and Performance
Sefton Council
2nd Floor
Magdalen House
30 Trinity Road
L20 3NJ
0345 140 0845

Our aims
The Council is committed to the proactive dissemination of information, to be open and transparent and will publish information unless restricted by legislation. Like all other public sector organisations, the Council is required to make the information it holds available unless subject to an exemption. We put as much information as we can onto the pages of our website.

Publication scheme
Our FOI Publication Scheme is based on the model scheme developed by the Information Commissioners Office and outlines the classes of information that we commit to publish under the Freedom of Information Act. It also gives guidance on charging, and how to request access to records that we do not make directly available.

Last Updated on Friday, June 7, 2024

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