This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people


Community Consultation and Engagement

As part of our equality analysis, where appropriate, we actively engage with our community networks, stakeholders and wider community.


As part of our on-going commitment we also have a comprehensive training programme to ensure all of our staff have an awareness and an understanding of the principles and performance associated with delivering of services in a fair and supportive manner. 


If an employee leaves the Council's employment, the period of notice you are required to give and entitled to receive, varies according to grade and will be outlined in your Statement of Particulars in accordance with the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act, 1978. Generally speaking, the following applies: 

  • Chief Officers, Deputies and Chief Officer related grades (including Hay 6): 3 months, 
  • SCP 26 to 43: 2 months, 
  • SCP 25 and below: 1 month  

Frequency of Payment

Salaried staff are paid monthly, two weeks in advance and two weeks in arrears on the 15th of each month. Payment is by credit transfer direct to a Bank or Building Society account. 

Probationary Period

New employees are required to satisfactorily complete a probationary period of six months which gives both the Authority and employee a chance to assess suitability to the requirements of the job. A supervisor/line manager will monitor performance throughout this period and provide guidance/training support as necessary. Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period formal confirmation of becoming a permanent member of staff will be issued.

Interview Expenses

These are based on public transport fares at standard/economy rates where applicable, plus any necessary subsistence. Reimbursement is made in approved cases for overnight stays. Candidates selected for appointment will only be reimbursed once they have taken up their appointment. Expenses will not be paid to candidates who withdraw. Public transport refers to rail or bus travel. Air fares will only be authorised in exceptional cases and then only by prior agreement.


Applicants new to Sefton are subject to medical clearance before appointment. This involves completion of a medical questionnaire followed, in some cases, if deemed necessary, referral to the Occupational Health Service. 

Last Updated on Tuesday, March 12, 2024

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