This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Checklists, Tools and Training

There are a number of checklists, pathways, tools and training to help practitioners in supporting children and families in need of Early Help support. 

The Assessment

The Early Help Assessment covers ten areas:

  • Children's learning 
  • Giving your child the best start 
  • Family health 
  • Safety in the community 
  • Keeping children safe
  • Feeling safe 
  • Where you live 
  • Your money 
  • Substance use 
  • Family life 

Team Around the Family Meetings

The structure TAF meetings has been designed to help Lead Practitioners run effective and efficient meetings.  By the end of each meeting, all attendees should have participated with informing and guiding the plan to achieve the outcomes of the assessment for the family.  The family, in turn, should feel confident that they are receiving the right coordinated support at the right time.  There are a number stages in the meeting; these are listed below:

  • Introductions
  • Apologies
  • Update from Family
  • Update S.M.A.R.T. Plan
  • Review or Close
EHA Final 2023 (pdf 2.29MB)

Early Help training is available to all practitioners working with children and young people in Sefton.  There are two aspects to this training: Early Help Assessment; and EHM System Training.  Information on the contents and the dates for all scheduled training events can be found via the online training booking system.

EHM Support Sessions

Support sessions are held on a monthly basis to provide help and assistance with any queries regarding using EHM.  The support session are for users of the EHM system who need help to record the support they are providing to families. The sessions are on a drop-in basis, however, places are limited, therefore, in order to ensure we have sufficient people available to provide the help necessary, it is essential to enrol via the online training system. Please indicate what time you wish to attend when applying for a place.

All the sessions below will all be held at Ainsdale CLC as drop in sessions from 9:30 to 5:00.  You must be a user of the EHM System to attend one of the support sessions.

  • 21st September 2023
  • 19 October 2023
  • 16th November 2023
  • 7th December 2023
  • 25th January 2024
  • 22nd February 2024
  • 21st March 2024

Last Updated on Wednesday, July 5, 2023

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