This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Your Council

IT Plans and Policies

Digital Strategy

Sefton’s Digital Strategy has been developed in the context of our partnership 2030 vision of Sefton as a borough connected by people, supported by technology and the Council’s Core Purpose.

Working with our partners the Council will develop approaches that will see our communities and businesses benefit from new digital technologies that keep people informed and connected.

This strategy outlines our vision to become a place connected by people, supported by technology, with connected communities that thrive; with support for local people and businesses that are empowered to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by digital technology.

Digital Inclusion Strategy

The Digital Inclusion Strategy for Sefton has been developed in partnership with key agencies across the Borough with the shared vision for Sefton as a place where residents and organisations understand the benefits of  digital, feel safe and confident online and are supported to develop their skills and thrive in an increasingly digital world.  The Strategy includes an Action Plan for delivery over the next three years.

Digital Inclusion Strategy 2022 (pdf 843KB)
Sefton Council Digital Strategy 2021 2023 [Accessible] (pdf 347KB)

Last Updated on Monday, November 7, 2022

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