Coroner's Inquests

Inquest Listings for H M Coroner’s Court


Name Date of Inquest Time Venue Type Place of death

Week Beginning 1st July 2024

Edward HANNABY 02/07/2024 10:00am Bootle Town Hall Inquest Knowsley
Leslie WILSON 04/07/2024 10:00am Bootle Town Hall Inquest Knowsley
Patricia CARNEY W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Knowsley
Raymond DARGUE W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Sefton
Shirley STEVENS W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Knowsley
Edmund MOONAN W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Knowsley
Jodie GREEN W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Sefton
Catherine PARRY W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Liverpool
Veronica STANLEY W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest St Helens
Derek MOORES W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Knowsley
Alan HOUNSELL W/C 01/07/2024     Documentary Inquest Knowsley

Week Beginning 8th July 2024

John PULFORD 09/07/2024 10:00am Bootle Town Hall Inquest Liverpool
Geoffrey TOWNSON 10/07/2024 10:00am Bootle Town Hall Inquest Knowsley
Colin WREST 11/07/2024 10:00am Bootle Town Hall Inquest Sefton


The information on this page is being shared in accordance with the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. 

Last Updated on Friday, June 28, 2024

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